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How To Show Up As a Real Man in a Relationship.

How To Show Up As a Real Man in a Relationship.

Today, we will talk about relationships. But, more importantly, the role of men in a relationship. We will cover things such as what is expected of men, what are they supposed to do, and how are men supposed to operate within the confines of a relationship. ...

Police Brutality and Institutional Racism

History of racism Outrage over the police mercilessly beating and killing black people in recent years has led to the rise of the black lives matter movement. However, the acts have been happening in most states in the US. As much as black people are trying to find...

Police Brutality And How To Move Forward

Police Brutality And How To Move Forward

In today’s episode, I have Cashh with me to talk about police brutality in line with what is going on, like the George Floyd and Brianna Taylor incidents and the things we need to do to move forward. It is high time that we get accountability from these guys as police...

How To Find Yourself: Invest Time In Building Yourself

There’s a brother I know, and I remember trying to set him up with someone but his response was clear: "I'm busy building myself". He didn’t ask any further questions, just talked about trying to secure his future. People always ask me what the secret is to find...

Why Finding Your Purpose Must Come First

It’s commonly known that women prefer men who have their things figured out. Most will only notice you once you’re well-established, and it's no coincidence. The question is why? Are couples not supposed to help build each other? The bottom line is: it's all about...

What Is Real Manhood?

What Is Real Manhood?

For this episode, we will be focussing on what real manhood is and figuring out whether it still exists today. What do you think real manhood is? A lot of confusion exists regarding this term as people are unaware of the true meaning behind it. Growing up, I had seven...

Are Some Men Intimidated By Successful Women?

We have all been taught since an early age that life is a competition and anyone more successful than us is a threat. This is especially true when it comes to women. They are seen as a threat and suddenly when a man meets a successful woman their sense of security is...